The Loving Earth Project is an international community textile project, started by a few British Quakers in 2019. They are collecting fabric art panels to use in a traveling exhibit, which will go to Glasgow for the Climate Summit this fall. But the real goal is to encourage us to each explore our connection to some place on the earth, and what action we can take to show our love for it. You can find a short video introducing the project here . The Loving Earth Website is here . My panel is called Crossroads. I wrote a short essay to go with it: Crossroads: In the Willamette Valley of Oregon, we are at the beginning of a great drought, which is affecting our drinking water and our hydro-electricity. We are experiencing devastating wildfires and extreme air pollution from the smoke. Robin Kimmerer says in Braiding Sweetgrass that "..all the people of the earth will see that the path ahead is divided. They must make a choice in their path to the future. One of the road...
In early April I received an email with the subject heading "Quaker arts and service opportunity". It started " Dear Eugene Friends, I would like to pass along the following, about an opportunity for Quakers and others to engage in an international community craft project in response to our climate crisis, to share with those who may be interested in your meeting. Please do feel free to let me know if you have any questions. In Friendship, Matt Rosen, The Loving Earth Project, Oxford Meeting." I dove into the attached information and the linked web page, and I was hooked! The Loving Earth Project is an international community textile project, started by a few British Quakers in 2019. They are collecting fabric art panels to use in a traveling exhibit, which will go to Glasgow for the Climate Summit this fall. But the real goal is to encourage us to each explore our connection to some place on the earth, and what action we can take to show our love for it. ...